Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

tattoo eyebrows

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  • CFreymarc
    Mar 30, 12:27 AM
    Yeah :( all the seismologists had no idea an earthquake this big could be triggered by LiPo batteries.

    Then there is the business plan / conspiracy theory that this was caused above the Sichuan epicenter by the Chinese reverse engineering of the American HAARP.

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  • Don't panic
    Apr 10, 10:58 AM
    I got 42.

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  • Piggie
    Apr 23, 05:28 PM
    I will be honest and truthful and say for a mobile device on batteries, I'm very impressed as what the iPhone and iPad can do gaming wise.

    However I will also state, and I think we all should be honest, that at the moment, Apple are bringing the games DOWN to what their hardware can do, as opposed to making Hardware so great that gaming is being pushed UP to take advantage of Apples industry leading performance.

    When Apple release GTX580 beating desktops, and/or Xbox360 / PS3 beating gaming devices, I will happily bow down to them being the greatest in graphics.

    But right now, they are trailing by miles due to years of neglect as they just did not have products that could compete, and their one semi attempt at a console got nowhere.

    Note: I would LOVE LOVE LOVE Apple to turn this around.

    They need to ditch the "Laptops on a Stand" design of the iMac for starters, but I feel they never will as they have decided they won't compete and they cannot compete in this sector of the market.

    Console wise, I'm not sure they could compete against a 360 or a PS3. Let's say Apple against a PS4 or a Xbox720
    Nope, can't see that happening either.

    The low power/trimmed down, casual gamers games, seems to be the only area they are going for.

    But Again, I would LOVE Apple to turn this around and take high end graphics seriously in their future products.

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  • Super Dave
    Jul 30, 05:16 AM
    This sounds cool. Initially, though; I was kind of turned off by the idea of Apple doing a cellphone.

    Unfortunately, I'm pulled back into thinking, "What could Apple do with phones that hasn't already been done." Small, light, photos, video, internet, music, games, personal organization? Most of this is pretty well covered with the current offerings. So what is going to be the selling point here? Is it going to be expensive or affordable? Is it going to be full-featured or bare bones?

    Without even getting into new things, they could just do it well. Cell phones have interfaces like goats. Every single one of them.


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  • wovel
    Apr 18, 03:54 PM
    You're thinking of trademark law. Patents are awarded for a specific period of time. You can't lose them just because you don't defend them. You can sue at any time.

    Its only trademarks that you have to protect in order to keep them.

    You see so many patent lawsuits because there's money in it and to stifle competition. There is no other reason.

    If by stifle competition you mean incent R&D, I agree.

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  • Tattoo Eyebrows

  • alvindarkness
    Apr 10, 12:02 PM
    I'm not saying that 2 is an incorrect answer, the equation is ambiguous. However, I assume the equation is written that way because it is done on a forum without formula writing ability and writing-

    48(9+3) = 288

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  • ChickenSwartz
    Aug 12, 06:43 PM
    Not sure why you guys think you will get a free iPod with a new MBP.. Did you read the Terms and conditions? Where does it list the new MBP ?


    They did add the Mac Pro so you guys still have hopes to get a free iPod if released in time.

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  • trondah
    Mar 31, 03:30 AM
    What everybody would like to know, is Safari any snappier?

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  • hewsthat
    Aug 11, 02:45 PM
    And those design changes still have to be made in the future if you want to run kentsfield. Since those changes are inevitable, why not make them sooner and take advantage of cheaper chips earlier?

    Since the intel switch, apple has ALREADY broken away from "what they've always done". We saw a speed bump in MPB before it even shipped, and another bump not long after that.

    No, they were *announced* at the same time. iMac shipped immediately, MBP shipped weeks later. So the intel iMacs did arrive first.

    i stand corrected. the macbook pros didn't ship till febuary though they could be preordered. The iMacs began shipment in january right after the announcment

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  • Nike tattoo eyebrows.

  • 3GEE
    Nov 21, 07:51 PM
    Has anyone been able to find this kit in Canada yet, I very much want to get one? The Apple Canada website says not yet available. I called the local Apple Store today and they told me that they don't carry it, but the Apple guy did say that they wouldn't be told about it until the day it becomes available.

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  • Chundles
    Sep 10, 11:14 PM
    Wow! What kind of slow-ass lines do you people in Australia have to suffer with?

    Thats ridiculously slow. :(

    Dial-up. I can't get any form of high-speed internet because my building is so old the phone lines are dodgy, I'm renting so any sort of drilling to get cable is out and wireless broadband is either not here or too expensive.

    And I'm in the 10th largest city in the country. My parents, who live in a little country town a long way from anywhere get quite decent broadband speeds. Go figure...:confused:

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  • badcrumble
    Mar 30, 08:10 PM
    The new iCal is hideous. This "metaphor" crap is awful, and reeks of Mac OS 9. Make things look sleek and modern like the new Mail app, please.

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  • Labels: bridal makeup, tattoo

  • Popeye206
    Apr 5, 03:15 PM
    My beef is - Apple expect me to pay $99 to be able to put my own applications on my own device. On a yearly basis.

    I understand why apple do this - people *may* start side-loading applications and thus apple will lose downloads from its appstore ( i.e., free applications - you'd still *buy* your apps from the AppStore ).

    Having said that the amount of people that would go this route would be minimal, since you have to compile the application beforehand.. ( mention the word 'compile' alone is enough to deter people ). The majority would just stick to the convenience of AppStore.

    Yes, I understand why apple don't like Toyota doing this - its encouraging people to JB their device and potentially degrade their iOS experience, which then reflects upon Apple. However, people should only JB if they understand that doing so voids their warranty AND *may* degrade their device performance.

    Your quoting of 'Scion' is short sighted. Had Apple let this fly without comment - replace 'Scion' with 'Others' . Though, you may find the themes 'ugly' others may not.

    What smartphone company charges $1500 for a developer license?

    Again... I don't think Apple should have let this fly. It was a bad call by Toyota to encourage such a thing as JB'g to the general public. Not cool, and it's not for everyone.

    As for the developers license, I didn't say smart phone companies... I said developer programs. Adobe has one. Oracle, MS, many do and they are way more expensive than $99.

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  • include tattooed eyebrows,

  • dethmaShine
    Mar 27, 01:00 PM
    Release a new phone and make the people wait for months for the new OS? WTH?

    I thought WebOS and H/Palm already had that market cornered.

    Who made the rule that both the software and the hardware have to be released on the same date?

    I guess this never happened with the mac lineup. The hardware was always released before and after the software.

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  • Popular Manual Eyebrow Tattoo

  • megapopular
    Mar 28, 12:18 PM
    That's just getting complacent in my opinion, people like myself like changing phones yearly, no new iPhone means no return business, I'll try something else instead, bad move if true.

    It only says "Fiscal Year" which ends in September, so if this news stoy holds true, you'll still have the option of getting a new iPhone this year!

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  • Mod The Sims - Tattoo on face

  • Multimedia
    Aug 3, 12:38 AM

    Flying West to East means leaving SF and arriving in NYC. :rolleyes:

    Please tell me I'm wrong again.So I'm Geographically dyslexic. Are you seriously gonna give me a hard time because I got the direction backwards?

    3 hours Yonah
    5+ hours Merom

    Much better frame rates in games. Why are you beating me up over symantics? Why do you not want to be happy this is true? :confused: :eek:

    tattoo eyebrows. TATTOO EYEBROWS,HAIR EXT.

  • Spooner83
    Apr 26, 03:37 PM
    Android is winning 'cause it's cheaper than apple, which is from the recession, people want cheap when they both do the same with a few minor exceptions.

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  • The crazy dark tattoo eyebrows

  • Blakeco123
    Apr 23, 04:37 PM
    sorry just a correction the resolution isnt 3200x3200 its 3200x2000 i just checked

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  • how to tattoo eyebrows

  • ChickenSwartz
    Sep 16, 07:32 PM
    Just wanted to add, for everyone reading a lot into shipping dates etc., I ordered mine on Sep 11 and got the notice of delays, then notice it was shpped out today (was planning on cancelling after this news).

    Now, it will probably be around the 25th before I get, and I won't open it, but considering I have upgrades (so customization = no return) how hard do you guys think it would be for me to exchange it for an updated one?

    What was the estimated ship date when you ordered?

    As of now, 17'' have an extimated ship time of 7-10 business days.

    Don't panic
    May 3, 05:25 PM
    I deem thyself dead forthwith.

    yeah, yeah, you always say that, but then when all your hocus-pocus frizzles, and it comes to save your skinny buttock from a mountain troll once again, what are you going to trust: the rabbits dropping out of that sorry hat of yours, or my axe?
    i thought so.

    Mar 29, 07:51 PM
    A better battery is highly improbable. However if you only look at the dark side of an event you pass up any chance of benefitting from it. Certainly it isn't good to have your nukes melt down but this is also a learning opportunity. That is if people can look at what is happening objectively. If all you see is people getting irradiated then you aren't looking at the bigger picture.

    yeah we should all be glad we 'll be getting that good japanese radiation soon, and that Tokyo which isn't the closest place to the nuclear disaster is 1.1 times the alarm limit in radiation. Leave it, your comment is very, very callous in view of what the Japanese people and humanity in general are facing. Btw, were you making the same comments for Chernobyl? That, sure it's bad, but we are going to learn from it so that's good? Let me tell you something, cause you seem young, we can't afford to learn by nuclear disasters, we should have learned already what we needed to have learned (back in the cold war era), because you don't get many chances with radiation, and even one disaster, is one disaster too many. I am sure people born with severely damaged internal organs, or with dysmorphias and teratogenesis will appreciate your "argument".

    Well, I'm glad to see that Macrumors and Apple are at least able to focus on the big picture: product availability.

    lol, very true, and funny, in a very tragic way of course... while this site is steeped in pc, it's obviously very much lacking in common sensibilities and a sense of shared humanity, if I were (god forbid) one of the thousands of homeless or people being irradiated (I shudder to think btw what pregnant women must be feeling like in Japan...the dread is unfathomable) in Japan, and I came here to read about product availability with not an inkling of the suffering and cost in human life, I would really, really want to slap a few people around after that....

    May 3, 06:39 PM
    I'm confused. Are you saying that the villain gets to listen to our conversations and then place the traps? Can he place a trap in the room we're in right now? If so, should this planning be done via PM?

    He goes after we have moved and has to anticipate where we are going next.

    Nov 26, 03:11 PM

    Close but no banana. Any type of tablet needs to have at least 1"-1.5" of border so when you pick it up one handed you don't touch the screen. Also I think Apple would NEED to have grips on a couple sides of the thing. I don't know ab out you guys but picking up my MBP one handed is difficult and sometimes scary.
    Also screen size dictates battery life. Granted this picture doesn't depict the screen size but it can't be larger then 12-13" max

    12-13" + Intel Core 2 Solo ULV + the entire backside being a battery + a swivel keyboard on the thing + a modified OS X GUI == Apple for the win.

    Just look at the specs:

    1GHz Transmeta Crusoe

    Transmeta sucks....like black hole sucking.

    I've always been of the impression, since the time of the pre-release discussions of tablet PCs, that they were a solution looking for a problem.

    I would never, ever want to spend my money on an electronic equivalent to a notepad. And I happen to use notepads, BTW. However, if I was taking notes with it (which is NOT at all what I do with the notepads I own), there's no way in the world I'd be writing on it; that would be far too slow.

    Why would I want to waste my time learning shorthand (which makes the assumption that TPCs could handle various forms of shorthand) so I could do through writing what I can already do at 70+ WPM via typing. And with typing, it solves the whole problem of handwriting recognition, because there ISN'T ANY.

    The TPC market is so highly specialized and so incredibly vertical that I believe it would be nothing more than a distraction for Apple away from their core business and development strengths.

    handwriting on a tablet PC is what I define as bandwidth limiting. In order from fastest to slowest.


    All three can be done a tablet, granted speech to text is still a hit and miss tech, as long as said tablet is a convertible and NOT a slate design. Slate designs, ones that don't have a keyboard are for vertical markets and dedicated devices like multimedia players and the like.

    May 3, 11:00 PM
    This seems like a very fun game. Sadly, it isn't my type. chrmjenkins, I have missed your very nice narratives. So lovely to read them again. ravenvii, excellent idea for a game.

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