Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

selena gomez who says album art

selena gomez who says album art. selena gomez who says cover
  • selena gomez who says cover

  • blondepianist
    Apr 28, 03:55 PM
    How on earth could you feel the difference in your hand? I'd like to see a photo with calipers.

    selena gomez who says album art. selena gomez who says cover
  • selena gomez who says cover

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 25, 07:27 AM
    I should hope that nobody performs CPR should someone collapse, since Macdonalds staff aren't medically trained.

    No fear of that ever happening either, in the Litigious States of America. :rolleyes:

    selena gomez who says album art. selena gomez who says album
  • selena gomez who says album

  • Snowy_River
    Oct 23, 10:19 AM
    Setting aside the question of no VM at all, has it occurred to anyone that having a restriction on running in a VM even on the licensed machine could put a damper on the idea of having Parallels (or VMWare) be able to start up off of the BootCamp partition? As that's an ability that I've been wanting, that's something that bothers me about this....

    selena gomez who says album art. says album artwork
  • says album artwork

  • dernhelm
    Oct 19, 07:39 AM
    Is there anything really innovative there? I don't think so. Yes, MacPro is an example of beautiful engineering, but there's not much innovation in there.

    So what are you expecting? The computer industry hasn't been truly innovative since the first ICs were produced. I suppose you could claim the invention of the mouse was relatively innovative, but certainly not the addition of the keyboard - those had been used in typewriters for years! For the rest of it, all it is is binary mathematics - with short and long term storage - this was all stuff mathematicians had a handle on for millenia. Nothing innovative there right? The internet? Not really innovative, people had been connecting PCs together with serial and parallel cables for years before that. The internet did it better, but so what? To be truly innovative, you must come up with something that no one else has ever done, right?

    In case you hadn't noticed, pretty much everything in the computer industry had been done before, or can be seen as an adaption of something else. So by your definition, there are no new ideas and therefore no innovation anywhere. Which leads me to ask, what innovative things are you looking for, that you feel you can criticize Apple for not being innovative enough?


    selena gomez who says album art. Selena#39;s new song quot;Who Saysquot;
  • Selena#39;s new song quot;Who Saysquot;

  • StealthGhost
    Mar 17, 12:50 AM
    Was at Brea this morning and it was pretty good. They received about 50 or so iPads with a lot of 16GB Black Wifi. I'd recommend getting there no later than 5:30 if you want to be in the top 15. First person in line arrived at 4:30 today. Insane.

    Also, last word of advice on Brea, make sure you get INTO the mall. Find an employee entrance to enter through. The line starts AT THE APPLE STORE! Not outside the mall. Good luck.

    Lastly, don't plan on picking one up at Best Buy. There is a huge list to get them already and Best Buy will not have inventory for quite some time.

    Ouch that is early. I could probably make it an hour before they open but not 5 lol. Don't know if it would even be worth it at that point. Maybe a week from now?

    selena gomez who says album art. Selena Gomez amp; the Scene Who
  • Selena Gomez amp; the Scene Who

  • parapup
    Apr 26, 12:27 PM
    and amazon is getting sued :D. aka, will start to charge customers more to recoup the costs.

    Also, enjoy playing your amazon cloud on any apple device.

    If there is one thing Amazon doesn't need to worry about - it's the lawyers, they got plenty of them!

    Plus, even if they charge a bit more to recoup the costs - they have huge advantage in that a) they are already there and b) they aren't cloud n00bs with one freshly baked data center close only to the US :)

    And who said anything about Apple devices? Apparently, not many people are concerned (http://www.androidcentral.com/nielsen-android-americas-most-wanted-platform) about that one :p


    selena gomez who says album art. selena gomez who says album
  • selena gomez who says album

  • johneaston
    May 2, 03:40 AM
    Because they have to bury him within 24 hours


    selena gomez who says album art. selena gomez who says album
  • selena gomez who says album

  • E.Lizardo
    Jun 6, 09:53 AM
    sure. apple has no problem giving a refund, as they keep their 30% that the developer now has to pay. that's a cool $300 that apple just ripped off from the developer all to protect their mistake and their idiot customers.



    selena gomez who says album art. selena gomez who says album
  • selena gomez who says album

  • nies
    Apr 25, 11:54 PM
    and going back to read the narrative... whats a gallapagos? apparently i discovered it but seem to not know what it is..

    selena gomez who says album art. selena gomez who says album
  • selena gomez who says album

  • sprtnbsblplya
    Sep 17, 08:04 PM
    Picked this up at Georgetown University's bookstore today, they had it beside the new models and it was marked down to $27 brand new.



    selena gomez who says album art. selena gomez who says album
  • selena gomez who says album

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 16, 09:53 AM
    Google bought Android and with Schmidt on the Apple board hoovering up ideas from the iPhone, Android became what it is today.

    Anybody who refutes that is either blind or stupid.

    or a troll or all of them.

    And now, lets get back to OS X.

    selena gomez who says album art. selena gomez who says album
  • selena gomez who says album

  • drummerdude1390
    Apr 22, 05:53 PM
    1) Lose job at Engadget

    2) Start new website

    3) Publish iphone "rumor" to attract readership

    4) Profit!

    do you know how dumb that is? He's moving on to a new company. Along with multiple other people. Also, he was dead on about the Verizon iPhone a YEAR before everyone else. I think his inside sources are more accurate than you think.

    Also, remember when everyone thought the leaked iPhone 4 was really ugly and there was no way it was real. Exactly...


    selena gomez who says album art. selena gomez who says album
  • selena gomez who says album

  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 28, 11:19 AM
    Why do you keep comparing a single phone model to an entire platform used on 20 some devices?

    Oh... that's right... it's all you can hang your hat on. Sorry... let's talk pummeled or badly beaten when any single Android phone outsells the iPhone.

    FULL OF........ probably has 3 iphones and is waiting for ip5 to belittle it
    as ip4. For those who do not know:

    He is an Apple and MR addict and has this forum on auto refresh and stored
    paste phrases.

    APPLE IS (A)
    going down,
    badly beaten,
    weak on specs,
    losing the battle

    You can insert that as you like or add.

    110 MILLION plus iphones sold and still selling strong (instead of buy one get one FREE) says it all .

    selena gomez who says album art. selena gomez who says album
  • selena gomez who says album

  • madoka
    Apr 24, 03:03 PM
    That's pretty much exactly what you're doing.

    Oh please, get off your PC high horse for a second and come back to reality. Yeah, no one should get beat up and bullied. I'd also love for the world to be filled with rainbows and unicorns all the time too. However, if I walk around drunk in a bad part of town flashing a suitcase full of cash, well I shouldn't be shocked that I get robbed. I know people don't like to take personal responsibility for their actions these days and everyone's ready to sue someone else because nothing is ever their fault. But most reasonable people should realize that being drunk in the ghetto as a transgendered guy isn't the brightest idea.


    selena gomez who says album art. selena gomez who says album
  • selena gomez who says album

  • Lixivial
    Aug 15, 12:03 PM
    Ahem... Time Machine!

    I believe icerabbit was referring to a feature to restore an item to its original location once putting it in the trash. Windows has this feature in the recycle bin and it's a handy little feature.

    This isn't to do with Time Machine as the user has not yet deleted the item from the Trash and the system.

    selena gomez who says album art. Selena Gomez Who Says Cover
  • Selena Gomez Who Says Cover

  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 30, 04:31 PM
    Not going to vote until we hear from aggie.


    selena gomez who says album art. Selena Gomez “Who Says” Video
  • Selena Gomez “Who Says” Video

  • rovex
    Apr 27, 01:01 PM
    Ah- we have plenty of people here in the US, just like you, who insist "fact" and "speculation" are the same things. They are not.

    I'm "insisting" that we are dealing with the obvious, So clear cut that I'd consider it reality.

    selena gomez who says album art. selena gomez who says album
  • selena gomez who says album

  • d_and_n5000
    Jul 21, 10:13 AM

    As long as Apple doesn't grow too fast, this is great news. Get to Gateway in the next few years, and I'll be happy. Just don't grow too big, Apple.

    selena gomez who says album art. selena gomez who says album
  • selena gomez who says album

  • Doctor Q
    Apr 28, 06:15 PM
    This whole debate is a clever conspiracy by Apple, trying to get us each to buy two iPhones just so we can line them up. Come to think of it, I did buy two iPhones so their plan is working!

    Oct 18, 06:39 PM
    Where are these figures?

    Aaaand in 3 ... 2 ... 1:


    This is why I posted my comment correcting your innaccurate assumption that "the iPod is still Apple's cash cow".

    The funny part is that I was in no way "defending" the iPod, since I don't have one at the moment and was just as annoyed at Apple as everyone else that Macs were not centerstage... in '04 and '05.

    We're rounding out '06 and that argument hasn't held water since last year.

    It's been ALL about Mac in '06

    Apr 26, 12:37 PM
    Damn you Apple. You charged me for my iPad and iMac. I should get them for FREE!!!!!!

    Oct 30, 06:17 PM
    cool thats probably it then, the -16.

    the processor trick is with the dev tools. there's a prefpane where u can turn off individual cores, and turn off hyperthreading. too bad there's not a dev tool for overclocking ;)

    alright. let us know how the -16 works. i've read on the folding forums about some people having more success with -15, you might even give that a try also

    We might take team Lituania today ;)

    i hope so

    Sep 13, 04:24 PM
    Me too :)
    Great, aren't they?

    Sometimes. The little squirt just got home from the vet. I took him outside and he ran around a lot. So brought him back in and he went right over to the TV and pooped and peed. Ugh. 9/10 he is using the pads or outside but that 1/10 is making my house smell. Thank goodness for Resolve for Pets.

    Apr 28, 11:59 PM
    So can we all call the white iPhone.. the iPhone "Fatty"

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