Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

jeff dunham achmed i kill you

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  • nefan65
    Apr 12, 10:19 AM
    HTC phones get updates & always have done. What is this HTC bloatware you are talking about? If you mean HTC Sense I'll laugh at you a lot. It's a brilliant add-on to Android. In fact, I couldn't imagine Android without it.

    I think that's the case with a lot of phones in the UK, regarding updates. However, State side that's not true. HTC is the best at keeping most their phones up to date, but the carriers really put a strong hold on what one, and when. There are still some phones/carriers running 2.1, with no sign of 2.2 any time soon. Yet 2.3 is out.

    I agree; of all the add ons for phones, sense is the best. Moto-Blur and Samsung [not sure what they call theirs?] are no where near as clean or responsive.

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  • Happybunny
    Oct 21, 04:30 AM
    Here in the Netherlands we have Sinterklaas, he comes to us first by steamship, and then on a white horse. It is that important that the TV shows him arriving direct, plus tens of thousands are on the quayside. I hope to be there this year in Harderwijk on the 13th November with my grand children.

    Gifts are given on the 5th December

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  • mahonmeister
    Oct 23, 12:35 PM
    What's that other program that lets you run windows without an actual copy? Maybe I'll use that. Wait, are they even supporting Vista or just XP?

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  • slffl
    Apr 1, 12:46 AM
    I LOVE the new design. And this is also why I love Apple. They don't listen to all of the whiners who hate change like some companies do. They let their designer and engineers do what they do best. If Apple listened to all of the complainers here over the years, we'd have Windows, on a Dell PC, with a Palm Treo in a holster on our belt.

    Personally I like the iPad iCal design better than in OSX and I'm looking forward to this in Lion.


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  • mKizzo
    Apr 13, 08:41 PM
    That is why iPhone (4) sales will remain close to zero until the iPhone 5 introduction. A white iPhone 4 will not change that very much. :rolleyes:

    LOL. I think sales won't be anywhere "close to zero" for the remaining months. Not everyone in the world is monitoring macrumours website. ;)

    Millions of people don't even know a new revision is due soon, not to mention people who's contract expires and can't wait without a new handset for 3-5 months. Sales will continue just fine.

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  • Surf and Turf
    Oct 24, 07:49 AM
    Santa rosa platform is where it's at


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  • JFreak
    Jul 25, 02:15 AM
    Please let this be true. I want to get rid of all non-locking connectors, and this is just what the doctor ordered...

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  • sparkomatic
    Mar 11, 08:13 AM
    Planning on going to the Spectrum or Fashion Island around 3pm today.


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  • one1
    Apr 17, 05:36 PM
    This update was unfortunately a horrible bust for me. Autoimporter is not working properly for my iPhone. Safari is crashing on pages where it wasn't before. IDK, maybe it'll work itself out........

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  • CorvusCamenarum
    May 1, 10:27 PM
    Are you sure it wasn't UK forces who eliminated him? Either way, you gotta say "he was killed by allied forces".

    So who gets the bounty? IIRC there was a $25 million price on his head.


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  • WildCowboy
    Oct 18, 04:26 PM
    Nice bump in the stock...AAPL up 5.5% in after hours trading.

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  • Badger^2
    Apr 25, 08:46 PM
    LOL. love all these posts.

    Can I start a post thats about how Im anxiously awaiting the END of all these "when is the new iMac coming out" threads?

    I really really want to get onto the next set of never ending threads that will go something like this:

    "should I get the 21" X.XX Ghz i5 or the 27" X.XX Ghz i3?"

    And then everyone will get to ask "what are you going to do with it?"
    and then all of the "I love the large 27" screen" and of course "I had to return the 27" screen it was too big!" And the "more cores is better" or the silly goofball with the "I think a larger Ghz number means its faster".

    and then we can move on to all of the "Is 4 gigs of ram enough or should I get more?" threads

    Oh, and lets not forget all of the "I wish it had a larger drive/better video/more SSD options/matte screen/full sized bluetooth keyboard/USB 3/eSATA/24" option!!" posts. Those are my favorite. Wishing, LOL. You get what you get and you dont throw a fit?

    please lets move on...


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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 22, 10:39 AM
    Apple had a specific complaint about a specific device.

    Wait what ? Apple's complaint had multiple utility patents, design patents, trademark infringement claims and trade dress claims. That's pretty broad, not specific.

    It also levied these complaints at the many different phones in the Galaxy line-up. The media is only comparing 1 model, the Vibrant/i9000. There are many models included in the complaint, including the Captivate, the Nexus S and the Epic 4G. Yet as shown on this page, you'd be hard pressed to mistake them for a 3GS like the media claims.

    Apple's complaint isn't specific and it isn't about a specific model at all. That is why you guys need to look beyond the simple pictures you've seen on Apple biased media. At this point, this could go either way, could get reduced, etc..

    Also, the patents Samsung is suing over are quite important as they relate to reduced power usage during data transmission, something we all know Apple values profoundly in their designs. There's 10 patents in all. Like Apple, Samsung is defending their IP. Anyway, like stated many times, this lawsuit and now the counter-suit is just a negotiation tactic by both corporations. Don't worry too much about it and don't try to get into emotional arguments over it, in the end, it doesn't concern us the consumer.

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  • BigReg
    Jul 26, 08:43 PM
    I think Apple Marketing thinks they're slick with their blatant patent advertising/marketing to create buzz on potential new products. I think its fairly lame.


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  • leekohler
    Nov 8, 10:27 AM
    I won't get it but:

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  • Komentra
    Apr 14, 02:02 PM
    It's not a bug.

    You had to manually tick a box which counted Home Sharing play counts on the iTunes overall one.

    Even with it ticked it still doesn't update play counts. That's where the bug is.
    Tried it on OS X and Windows and still doesn't work. I've heard it works fine from computers and Apple TV but on devices it doesn't even though it's suppose to.

    EDIT: Got a post over on the official Apple forums discussing it and it has a lot of replies of people reporting the exact same thing. I haven't even found a single person who has said it works.

    By the way if anyone who has updated to 4.3.2 and would like to test it and let me know if it's fixed that'd be awesome. :D


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  • Apple 26.2
    Apr 22, 04:47 PM
    Ugh. As if!

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  • ArchaicRevival
    Apr 22, 09:43 AM
    That's completely fine with me. LTE speeds aren't really LTE speeds anyway. Even Verizon which does have the fastest LTE falls short of at least 50% of the actual LTE speeds. It's all false advertising anyway :)

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  • digitalnicotine
    Jan 31, 04:37 PM
    Say hello to Odin...

    What a cutie! :)

    Apr 28, 05:06 PM
    I have both the white and black 32gb iPhone 4's next to me now. How anyone can say one feels immediately thicker than the other is beyond me lol.

    I too have both white and black 32gb iPhone 4's in my possession (I'm going to sell the black soon), and I cannot tell any difference in size/weight/etc. :apple:

    Dec 1, 05:11 PM
    I know I'm going to get labeled as a mac zealot and linux apologist for asking this, but isn't it weird how the project spent ALMOST ALL OF ITS TIME looking for ways to crucify OS X/Linux, but they avoided MS like the plague, as if they were afraid to make them look bad?

    "I didn't have much time left for working on Microsoft Windows but I've received the most helpful feedback from the MSRC"

    Riiiight. :p

    Couldn't that be just because Windows security (or lack thereof) has already been thoroughly examined by the industry at large and therefore wasn't as high a priority?

    Oct 24, 07:02 PM
    Uh who cares?

    Lots of people obviously...:)

    Like thats gonna stop anyone....does anybody outside of the few goody goodies on this board read or abide by those EULAs?

    And most ppl will pirate it anyways....

    But oh how could I have missed it, you reside in never never land! The place of pirates and children who never grow up!:D

    May 4, 07:34 AM
    Bunch of lying crap. My upgrade date hasn't "moved" as this lying reader claims happened to him, it is still 6/19/2011. Every year my upgrade date coincides very closely with the release of the new iPhone. AT&T isn't going to just push my date back (a date I earn by paying a lot every month) because there is no new iPhone in June. So this guy is confusing two separate issues in order to get his BS story out. Maybe the rep said that, maybe he didn't, but he has absolutely no info from Apple, because Apple would never ever ever ever make such a statement to AT&T.

    Apr 14, 01:55 AM
    What if :apple: is just buying time with late release of White iPhone 4 and continuing to push forward with iphone 4 production, for them to get the North Carolina facility up and running to start their own carrier and let existing contracts expire? No crack smoked here, just talking out loud.

    Then again, Guess that makes no sense with them expanding carriers existing (Verizon)


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