Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

britney spears and justin timberlake 2011

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  • poppe
    Nov 4, 01:01 AM
    Ok so here's the newb question of the day!!

    Have to buy Windows correct regardless of Parallels or VMware?

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  • ciTiger
    Apr 28, 04:07 PM
    And when you thought it was safe to buy a white iPhone 4... No rest for the white lovers... lol

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  • KandyKane
    May 3, 08:20 AM
    Well yes, that's how it would work (and how it works on the current 27" DisplayPort based iMac). But just because you can physically connect a cable doesn't mean it will work as an external display. The connectors were the same on the old 27" and 21.5", but only the larger display functioned as an external display.

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  • 123walter
    Jun 27, 05:17 AM
    Aside from the whole "personal responsibility" debate, why doesn't Apple just allow cancel/refund of purchases as long as it is done before the download is finished (meaning it's impossible to use)?

    Seems like a no brainer to me.

    I get refunds all the time. Maybe its because I usually go to the "problem" section in the itunes store. But failing that the creator. But I have gotten refunds from several. Also Its early and Im not thiinking too clear..but you can go to your ACCOUNT and authorize whichever device you wanna allow to use your purchases. Of course I dont think this will help if you set up a new account for a gift, but you can GIVE apps to others. I apologize if my somnambulism has misread your intent. WOuldnt be the first time.


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  • Avalontor
    Apr 28, 06:53 PM

    You want rip-off? Microsoft makes its billions charging hundreds for a 10-cent CD in a dollar's worth of packaging. So does Adobe. Where's your outrage?

    seriously? so does Apple, where's your outrage?
    how much is OSX again? maybe it would just be easier if you listed all the Apple software that is priced around $1.10

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  • Paul Graham
    Jan 30, 03:21 PM


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  • takao
    Apr 23, 05:35 AM
    well there you have it apple: in this day and age sueing somebody over patents who has more than you might not always be the smartest idea

    fact is: between those big cooperations it has become usual practice to let a certain amount of patent abuse slide since it profits all sides if technology can be used by more, and it also helps adoptions rates (famous example: IBM and their countless PC hardware related patents)

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  • Tones2
    Apr 22, 10:53 AM
    I'd be highly skeptical if Apple will introduce LTE compatable chips even in 2012. Usually Apple takes it's time to implement technologies that all other phone makers in the market have implemented. They focus on ease of use and to the point where you don't even notice the technology (et. al. there latest iPad 2 commercial) They'll probably delay any LTE implementation until 2013.

    How do you "notice the 4G technology" on current 4G phone? It just works. Jeez...give me a break here with just canned statements. :rolleyes:



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  • BrianMojo
    Jul 25, 12:35 PM
    Here's a radical suggestion, very unlikely to be implemented, but maybe interesting.

    The iPod has a screen on the front which displays the controls, but the touch/presence/motion sensitive sensor is on the back. Since the controls are on the back, your view of the screen isn't obscured by your finger tapping on it.

    But how do you see exactly where your fingers are? Simple - the "None Touch" sensor detects where your fingers are, and superimposes a representation of their position on the screen - it's almost like a transparent iPod, where your fingers behind the iPod are shown on the screen in front.


    - your fingers aren't obscuring your view of the screen
    - you're not smudging or scratching the screen by tapping on it.


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  • LbSigman
    Apr 14, 03:39 PM
    Okay, I just reproduced this problem. After which I rolled my eyes and said "What's the big deal?"

    I mean really, this is BEYOND picky. No wonder us Apple users have a reputation for being douchebags.

    I hadn't even NOTICED this until now, and now that I have, I'm not really sure why I'm supposed to care. Honestly, if it's a choice between fixing this and putting more development resources into iOS 5, I much prefer the latter.


    Seriously. People should go pick up another phone (Android) or a BB and then come back to cry about how laggy their phone is. No matter what apple does will make those people happy.


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  • Black Belt
    May 5, 02:22 PM
    Apple's new release timeframe has zero to do with phone upgrade eligibility. Thus BS. And I bet AT&T call center people are so tired of Apple owners they probably make shite up just to mess with their minds and they sit around the lunchroom telling the stories. :p

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  • Surely
    Feb 28, 01:41 PM
    I disagree. He's seriously ill. Just look at the guy. He's one year older than I am and he looks ten years older.

    I'm not saying that I don't think he's abusing some serious drugs, but I think he has more control over what he's doing/saying than we think.


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  • Finiksa
    Jul 24, 10:00 PM
    This sounds like a brilliant concept. If it ever makes it into a shipping product I suspect Apple would utilise it to maintain the protective layer of plastic over the screen like current iPods instead of exposing the fragile LCD/OLED display. The users could scroll directly on the iPod housing instead of having to float their finger in the air above the display.

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  • Snowy_River
    Jul 12, 01:55 AM
    By the way...

    A little off topic, but seeing as how this thread seems to be being frequented by Pages-ophiles, I have a question...

    I'm working on a booklet that's designed to simply print to 8-1/2 x 11 pages, and be folded over, giving a 5-1/2 x 8-1/2 booklet. Does anyone know of a straight-forward way of getting this to print out properly? (Right now I'm printing each page separately, which means that each piece of paper goes through the printer four times, if you see what I mean).

    I'd be delighted if anyone has an easier way to handle this...

    (P.S. I didn't see an easy way to do this in MS Word either... ;) )


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  • SciFrog
    Oct 26, 08:00 AM
    27 mins? On the 2.26 octo?

    Getting 43 mins on my 3ghz octo from 2007...

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  • quasinormal
    Feb 11, 12:41 PM
    Doesn't this guy have a wife and children?

    This article about self control was published in the local paper today.


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  • Daveoc64
    Sep 30, 10:21 AM
    In 2005 AT&T was passing out 3G SIMS like raffle tickets in phones that weren't 3G -I need some internal wireless guru to tell if that extra hand-off doesn't make a difference.

    That makes no difference whatsoever.

    A 2G phone simply ignores the 3G features of the USIM.

    As far as the 2G phone is concerned, 3G doesn't exist. It has no impact on any network (2G or 3G).

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  • Hisdem
    Sep 13, 07:04 AM
    I mentioned this in the last thread, but I just picked up some of these leather covers for my Moleskine's and they're pretty sweet. Made by Inkleaf Leather ( on Etsy if anyone cares.

    Really like the look of those! But I can't afford to get them now :(

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  • crazyrog17
    Nov 16, 06:38 AM

    29 city / 35 hwy at $16K.... Mazda 2

    Apr 29, 03:43 PM
    Can you name a few more? I have only seen Sony support AAC on their PMP devices.

    I don't understand why people still call AAC a "proprietary Apple format" in 2011. It's not even from Apple.

    Screenshots in Mac OS X are saved as 32-bit PNGs, yet I've never heard anyone call PNG an "Apple format".

    Apr 3, 03:34 PM
    caught in the garden

    May 2, 12:50 AM
    Nah - probably in Heaven with his 70 virgins on the magic mother-of-pearl bed where not even the angels can see what he's doing...

    I thought it was 72? :eek: i wonder if he has insurance there.

    May 1, 11:10 PM
    My thoughts on Osama: He must have registered his real address on PSN.

    I wonder what someone will do with 77m people's personal details. To encrypt or use each information from a user would take a lifetime!

    Apr 14, 03:18 AM
    I wonder if anyone has been waiting on getting a iPhone 4 because white hasn't been released yet. Well 10 months later here you go.

    To answer your question: I have waited for the White iPhone 4, hoping that with the White iP4 release the antenna death grip issue would have been solved. I really hope I am right! Moreover, since adding a plastic protection cover to the Black iP4 solves the issue, probably the new White out-layer has been designed to improve the antenna (i really hope it's the case!)

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