Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

babies r us printable coupons 2011

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  • Eraserhead
    Jul 25, 08:12 AM
    (the new 5G are a bit wider and thinner than the 4G) making any devices that the iPod "fits into" need to be retooled.

    My 5G iPod fits in my 3G dock just fine, the only problem is that it's thinner so it doesn't fit snugly. I think it will have a dock connector (for accessories) and a headphone socket and hld switch at least, though a splash power charger would be cool, i can just see your iPod falling off it, for a similar feature why not just include a dock to connect to your computer?

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  • maclaptop
    Apr 28, 05:05 PM
    Ditto. And if they are different, it's definitely NOT 2mm (1mm per side) like the post says. If anything, it's a quarter of a mm each side MAX.

    Perhaps it's the shape of your eyeballs that's creating the illusion for you :eek:

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  • Rocketman
    Oct 23, 08:05 PM
    If they didn't understand this on /., they're not going to understand this here, either.

    Radical thought.

    Someone with a multiple CPU license simply ask Microsoft for a WRITTEN interpretation of the license.


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  • shirwan72
    Apr 26, 12:07 PM
    They charge for everything else, so what's new?!

    With our UK tax, it will be just another cash cow.


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  • bluebomberman
    Jul 12, 08:44 PM
    Yep, yep, I figured that bit out. I was looking for the flexible page/quadrant stuff - to print in "booklet" form, for example. It aint in Word for Mac.

    My recollection is that Word for Windows doesn't have it either. I have no way to verify that right now, though, since I don't have a Windows computer here on the premises.

    If you're willing to suck it up and go to a copy shop, though, then it's a moot point; you can just design it as a normal document and have them bind it on double-sized paper. (Example: they can fold 11" x 17" sheets into a 8.5" x 11" booklet.)

    babies r us printable coupons 2011. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • Paul Graham
    Jan 31, 11:17 AM
    New battey grips for both of my dslr's, And two new bags, Well the Nikon bag is new but the Pullman is a well looked afer bag I had from years ago.
    New iphone dock in background...


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  • MacVixen
    Mar 2, 10:28 AM
    Emilio? Isn't he still at home waiting for a script for Breakfast Club 2?

    :mad: Emiilo is busy being a director and winegrower, thank you very much :mad: :p

    As to Charlie - I'm of two minds - I do think that part of this is definitely publicity. He probably hasn't had so many requests for interviews in years! On the other hand, even though that drug test he took was supposedly negative - I think that's probably a temporary thing and he will back to hitting the crack pipe pretty darn soon if he hasn't started up again already.

    As to losing his children - yes it's sad for him, but definitely good for them. although with a drug-addicted mom - perhaps there is a well meaning relative that could step in for the boys? Charlie has 5 kids. His oldest is married I think, so don't know what she has had to deal with. But Denise always had custody of the 2 girls and I think for while there he wasn't even allowed visitation, so sadly, I don't think losing visitation rights is going to change anything for Charlie.

    babies r us printable coupons 2011. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • Lennholm
    Apr 14, 09:27 AM
    But the question remains - why is "Mac" in the variable name? On an App Store that doesn't support any Macs.

    It could be nothing, a naming convention carried over, but it is odd.

    Yes, we don't know what conventions Apple use for placeholder names, it could be that ix.Mac is a prefix for ALL their placeholder names. The reason could be something as far fetched as 'ix' as in all i-devices, 'Mac' for everything derived from Mac OS X, could be no real reason at all.
    Many manufacturers use the term 'CPU' to referr to their entire computer branch of their business, which is also confusing since a CPU really is something very specific


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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 23, 12:18 PM
    You're reaching pretty hard there. Apple makes consumer electronics that I enjoy using everyday. They're creating new markets and innovating existing ones. I don't understand how you can think that enjoying that is a bad thing.

    I don't think that enjoying the products is a bad thing at all. I think I provide a good analogy. I never head a non investing bragging about how much money the electric company makes or how happy they were that their health insurance company had a record year. I just find it strange.

    babies r us printable coupons 2011. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • motulist
    Aug 15, 05:37 PM
    Sigh, I'm getting the distinct impression that iCal is going to add a bunch of new features and not fix many of the usability problems it already has now. For instance, there is no way to shift several events in time simultaneously, you have to change each one individually. Another is that when you select several events from different calendars and copy and paste them they all turn into the same calendar category.

    There are many more problems like these, but I've seen no mention in the preview reports that iCal has done anything to refine the existing features, only that new features are being added. If anyone with a preview can inform me of the contrary I'd be quite happy to hear it.


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  • lordonuthin
    Nov 24, 10:54 PM
    By "small render farm", I mean small! It's made up of 6 Dell GX270, running P4 2.4ghz single core, with my MP as the Que controller (Ubuntu via Parallels). But they should working out pretty good for continuous folding for the time being. I'm building 5 dual processor, dual core Xeon servers (all 2.66ghz) to replace the Dells but that won't happen until the end of December (i'm getting ready to move from Japan back to the States in two weeks and I have most of my stuff packed up). Once I get settled back in the States and have the new servers running, I should be able to commit some good firepower towards the team effort.

    Wow, I haven't been anywhere but here for a really long time, I'm starting to solidify I think. I spent some time in Europe long before the wall came down, but then again the Huns were still roaming around - or was that dinosaurs...

    We'll give ya' a while to get set up before we set the hounds on ya' :D In the mean time maybe you have a calculator or abacus you can use in your spare time, ya' know, foldingbyhand I think it's called :p

    Cheers and welcome back!

    babies r us printable coupons 2011. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • Nausicaa
    Apr 22, 04:45 PM
    Why? I loved my iPhone 4 (before I lost it) but my 3GS is far easier to hold.

    I still prefer the iPhone4 design aesthetically, but the reason is the awesomeness of the exterior metallic antenna look, rather than the rectangular block shape. Although, a teardrop design would mean the loss of the external antenna, which would be disappointing from an aesthetic point of view, but something I could live with.

    Yup, I was one of the haters when the iPhone 4 leaked. I still prefer the physical design of my 3GS. The rounded edged are perfect holding the phone feels like shaking someone's hand. The iPhone 4 doesn't feel as nice to hold, even if it does have nicer aesthetics.

    I would kill for a return to the old design, but eliminate the chrome rim on the front and have the back case curl all the way up to the black face. Then made the back from a new material that doesn't crack as easily as the old plastic. Maybe a molded carbon fiber design? That would be sexy as hell. An iPhone 4 style dark grey carbon back casing flush with the now iconic black face, no shiny chrome ********.


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  • dextertangocci
    Jul 25, 09:37 AM
    Does anyone know if the previous Apple BT mouse used laser? Or was it optical?


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  • HLX
    Mar 31, 10:42 AM
    The rest of the design is not so bad but I wish Apple would get over the urge to make things look like their physical incarnations. I know there is a name for this but it escapes me at the moment.


    It is a bit like that, though maybe not fully, it's more visual as opposed to functional (for example in address book you don't have to 'turn' a page on the screen).

    Anyway it is a bit odd, and bound to be super polarising. Personally I think I'd live with it for a while as it does help it stand out from the other dozen+ windows I tend to have open.


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  • alent1234
    Apr 22, 10:29 AM
    This does not necessarily mean that Apple's iPhone 5 will not have the hybrid chip. It is entirely possible that Apple could be working very close with Qualcomm and they could announce the Iphone 5 in late September just not ship it until November 2011 or even close to the end of the year.

    when they mean samples in late 2011 it means samples for companies like apple to engineer products around it. it's not just the hardware, qualcomm has to finish and QA the software and dev kit as well

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  • MacFan782040
    May 1, 10:30 PM
    WE GOT EM! (


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  • Digital Skunk
    May 3, 08:23 AM

    I was going to spring for the refurb i5 at $1449 but then I saw the late 2009 i7 for $1369 and was wondering which model I should go for.

    I'm honestly leaning towards the i7 and have a lot of faith in apple refurb products.

    Apple refurbed are the best you can find in most cases.

    Apple never puts previously damaged hardware on the refurbed store, only open boxed then returned products, or products at End Of Life (EOL). You will find TONS of the previous models on there for 15% off or more.

    Any damaged goods always get parted out and used as Genius Bar parts for repair.

    There are TONS of things I don't like about Apple, but they actually do refurbished good very very well.

    babies r us printable coupons 2011. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • Devnor
    Apr 13, 02:04 PM
    I heard Apple is working on the new, next generation rice cooker.

    Apple is way smarter than to get into the TV business. Why make a multitude of bulky products when they can have a box that fits all.

    babies r us printable coupons 2011. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • nies
    Apr 27, 08:54 PM
    Ok appleguy :p

    Apr 22, 09:43 AM
    That's completely fine with me. LTE speeds aren't really LTE speeds anyway. Even Verizon which does have the fastest LTE falls short of at least 50% of the actual LTE speeds. It's all false advertising anyway :)

    Mar 15, 10:59 AM
    At the back of the line at FI and I am hearing they are all sold out now. I guess it was a good try. Congrats to the guys that got one.


    Dec 31, 05:29 PM
    And yours about me weren't ? Look, I made my presumptions based on some facts you posted :

    - Too busy to work out (which isn't an issue for weight control)
    - Having to lose weight (Doctor's orders)
    - Thinking Yoga is an effective weight control.
    - No mention of food.

    I made a presumption that you don't understand the basic premise of weight control. I hope my post at least opened up your eyes and you can go from there to learn what works for you, with your busy schedule, instead of thinking a busy schedule is a reason to stay the way you are.

    It's her choice up to a point. There's nothing wrong with 20 lbs overweight, give or take a few. Doctors will always tell you to be in the "zone" (healthy weight with a BMI between 18-25) but mostly there isn't much harm until later in life. Just like there's nothing wrong with taking fast food in reasonable quantities, or smoking if done occasionally.

    However, what she is doing is not just affecting her and her family. Morbid obesity affects all of society, be it through requiring services reserved for the disabled (she's not really disabled, she just chooses to be). The problem, like in all things bad for you (fast food, alcohol, smoking, drugs, whatever) is not occasional use, it's abuse. This woman has an abusive food consumption. Your examples are wrong because they try to equate what she is doing with what people are doing within reason. Your list should have been more :

    - Alcoholics should be able to stay that way! There's nothing wrong with 2 glasses of gin to wake up
    - 3 packs a day of smokes is perfectly fine!
    - Gambling all your money away and then borrowing some to gamble more is a person's choice!
    - You can never have enough Crystal Meth.

    The fact is, these are abusive tendencies which stem from deeper problems or addictions.

    BTW, I run about 5 km, 5 days a week. I ski (doing mostly Park, so climbing uphill on foot dragging my equipment), I do weight lifting too. I think I can sit and post on Macrumors a few times :D

    Thank you for presenting a reasonable argument, it seems very few people on blogging websites can actually respond without feeling personal injustice. So yes, I pretty much agree with you. My comment was more directed to the tone of this forum and not the information.

    And the examples I gave were to point out that no one can truly draw that line between reasonable and abusive behavior. When does a casual drinker become an alcoholic? When does a gambler have a gambling problem? The definitions given by professionals change consistently, and people on this forum with absolutely no qualifications whatsoever feel so sure they know the answers that they need to berate a persons lifestyle. I'm not usually such a prude, but it really pissed me off.

    Your a park skier. I used to be too. I could easily argue that the benefits of the entertainment of park skiing under-weigh the injuries sustained and the cost in medical bills. In fact I could say the same thing about any extreme sport. I'm paying for it in my taxes aren't I? So couldn't I berate you about what a menace to society you are?

    (FYI I'm not attacking you, don't take offense, it's just an example.)

    PBG4 Dude
    Apr 14, 02:11 PM
    Another pointless 666MB download for probably less than 1MB of actual update. Can Apple learn to patch its products more efficiently?

    I wish! Have to download iPhone4, iPad 1 and iPad 2 updates, so roughly 2GB of data just for what is probably a few minor changes.

    Feb 1, 09:21 PM (
    Chemex (6 cup) + Filters

    That looks awesome. I'm back to looking for the best way to brew coffee for iced coffee, and that looks like a good option.

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