Senin, 16 Juli 2012

windows xp wallpaper

windows xp wallpaper. Windows XP Home Edition
  • Windows XP Home Edition

  • appleguy123
    Jun 6, 01:22 AM
    What was an 11 year old doing that required this app? I bet pressed download just for the thrill of it and when it started downloading he freaked out.

    windows xp wallpaper. Desktop Windows xp Wallpaper
  • Desktop Windows xp Wallpaper

  • dXTC
    Dec 30, 01:21 PM
    I'm sorry, if you struggle to lose weight, you're not doing it right. Losing weight is dead easy. Keeping it off is dead easy too. Have your doctor check for any health problems which might prevent you from losing weight or recheck your food intake vs energy expenditure.

    Losing weight is a very simple formula : Calories in < Calories out. Change the symbol around and you gain weight. Make it = and you keep your weight.

    A lot of people don't understand this very simple mecanic which is the very basis of weight control. When you have this part down to a science, you can adjust the food intake to provide fibers/vitamins/proteins that you need.

    Under normal circumstances, you're more or less right. However, many supersize people have participated in crash diets, drugs and other questionable regimens over the years in search of quick-fix thinness. Doing so can, after a while, sabotage the body's normal metabolic rate and endocrine output, making it much harder for these people to find the balance in their caloric equation without depriving themselves of needed micronutrients (vitamins, minerals).

    Creative positioning + bed with a good bit of "give", e.g. Memory Foam = enjoyment without that "crushing" feeling. This has served me well, and that's the best way I can explain it without going into TMI territory.

    This is a great post!!!

    Thank you.

    windows xp wallpaper. Windows XP Gold Wallpaper DJ
  • Windows XP Gold Wallpaper DJ

  • raygungirl
    Apr 27, 04:49 AM
    That video is disgusting for a million reasons, which have all already been brought up in this thread, so I won't bring them up again. I'm glad the victim is all right, I was worried there might be some serious damage.

    Also, just wanted to weigh in on the "big hands" thing - I'm a woman, born a woman, never any question about it, but my hands are as big as most men's, especially considering I'm only 5'4". So are you going to beat me up just in case I'm a man?

    I'll just put this out there: People who freak you out are not necessarily a threat to you, no matter how much they freak you out. And just because someone's sexual/gender preferences are outside your definition of normal does NOT mean that they're a frigging pedophile. That is such a leap in logic it's making my head spin. It's also really offensive. It's just as offensive as if I assumed that because of your race (whatever it is), you're more likely to molest MY child. That's not fair, is it? Doesn't make sense, does it? So you shouldn't make that assumption about a transgender person, either.

    And don't give me any of this "race isn't a choice but gender is" BS. That's a common excuse and it's an incorrect assumption. Nobody would choose to live as a gender they didn't identify with if they didn't feel they needed to. If you've ever lived and struggled with something you were mortified to let anyone know, you'd have more sympathy for this transgendered woman. It must be nice to be you, but not everybody has it so great. Show a little empathy and don't automatically assume everyone is out to get you.

    Oh, and using the "you don't have kids so you don't know" argument is the biggest load of ********* I can imagine. But it's nice to know that when I'm finally a parent, it means I can become an absolutely horrible human being. No better role model for a kid than a close-minded bigot, I always say.

    windows xp wallpaper. your windows XP Wallpaper
  • your windows XP Wallpaper

  • NickZac
    Jan 31, 11:48 PM
    Two and a Half Men is an autobiography show about his life

    windows xp wallpaper. Windows xp Wallpaper by
  • Windows xp Wallpaper by

  • Thanatoast
    Jul 11, 04:52 PM
    There's an awful lot of cock-suredness on this board.

    If MS releases this player, which will have full wireless integration with the msTunes Music Store through your home PC with WMA10 or your XBOX360 some people could be persuaded to get it. The end-to-end process in a major part of the iPod experience, and this is MS's plan to get in on it.

    Would I get one? No, because I have an Apple computer - but 90% of the world still runs windows, and now they won't have to install third party software or worry about integration issues. Their new PC (or old with new and improved WMA10) will connect right up and automatically fill up their new, media device - all without wires!

    Give MS the benefit of the doubt here. If you dismiss them, you run the risk of falling prey to their marketing/sales/monopoly-position machine.

    windows xp wallpaper. Wallpaper - Windows XP by
  • Wallpaper - Windows XP by

  • 2IS
    Apr 22, 10:32 AM
    I'd be highly skeptical if Apple will introduce LTE compatable chips even in 2012. Usually Apple takes it's time to implement technologies that all other phone makers in the market have implemented. They focus on ease of use and to the point where you don't even notice the technology (et. al. there latest iPad 2 commercial) They'll probably delay any LTE implementation until 2013.

    That doesn't matter too much for me. All I want is mega awesome battery life. iPad 2 type battery life in my phone. I think that is there focus especially with the phone.

    A 2012 iPhone release is still well over a year away which is plenty of time for LTE chipsets to mature and shrink. I doubt Apple would wait 2 years to impliment a technology their competition is using today.

    windows xp wallpaper. windows xp wallpaper
  • windows xp wallpaper

  • mrsir2009
    Mar 31, 01:33 PM
    Apple, we all know the mouse is dead... stop wasting time coding mac apps to look like iPad apps and coding mac os to operate like iOS, just do the obvious: ditch the mac platform all together! Make larger iOS devices that allow for the manipulation of iOS apps in windowed form and there you go, desktop operating environment with iOS.

    touch input > mouse input

    What the hell are you smoking?:eek:

    windows xp wallpaper. Windows XP
  • Windows XP

  • marksman
    Apr 22, 11:24 AM
    Translation: Apple's new iPhone, code named Anorexia, couldn't possibly hold 2 chips! We aim to make a phone so thin, a postage stamp would add bulk.

    Yeah while Apple realizes people want their mobile smartphone to be small and portable as that is a key part of the puzzle the rest of the industry is trying to duplicate this:

    with a touch screen.

    windows xp wallpaper. High Tatras - Windows XP
  • High Tatras - Windows XP

  • Iconoclysm
    Apr 21, 11:32 PM
    Right, it's like Apple researched every mobile technology by itslef without infringing anyone's patent. :rolleyes:

    That's called L-I-C-E-N-S-I-N-G. And you will find it in many Apple products.

    windows xp wallpaper. as background wallpaper on
  • as background wallpaper on

  • WeegieMac
    Apr 16, 10:04 AM
    or a troll or all of them.

    And now, lets get back to OS X.


    My only issue with Lion DP2 and the subsequent update is the animations (I sound like a broken record between this and iOS 4.3).

    Everything else is relatively solid thus far.

    windows xp wallpaper. Windows XP wallpaper
  • Windows XP wallpaper

  • alexf
    Oct 18, 10:32 PM
    Why, my friend, by "the iPod is Apple's cash cow", you imply that there is only one cash cow. But if you want to use the traditional definition (*&Query=cash+cow) of "cash cow", "a project that generates a continuous flow of money," then the Mac would be more of a cash cow than the iPod, because it has always represented a larger proportion of Apple's profits and revenues. Not once has the iPod represented more of Apple's revenues. So the Mac generates a larger continuous flow of money.

    Not sure what set of rules of logic you are using, but either way you are wrong. The Mac is still more important to Apple's bottom line than the iPod. Apple is also innovating more on the Mac than with the iPod.

    By the way, you might want to look up the definition of the word "emotional" as well. I'm using facts, you're making things up.

    Listen, it's quite simple: For over 25 years Apple was a maker of almost exclusively personal computers and software. Five years ago, they introduced the iPod, followed by the music store (and now video, etc.). All of a sudden - within a period of only five years - iPod and music/video related sales account for almost half of their profit, and soon - by many estimates - will account for at least a full half (and possibly more).

    Now, do you think that Apple considers the iPod and the iTunes Music Store a cash cow? Hmmm... :rolleyes:

    windows xp wallpaper. wallpaper xp hd. Windows XP
  • wallpaper xp hd. Windows XP

  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 24, 01:41 PM
    There is a lot of Apple Dick riding going on. Their is nothing wrong with that. But at some point you have to wake up and look at the rest of the world. World wide in smartphone sells Iphone leads by a large margin. World wide Smartphone OSs, iPhone is generally in third or fourth place (Depends on who made it, Some put RIM in front of iOS). But the majority of them place Android or Symbian as the top selling OS.

    If many of your theories that android would disappear if the iPhone was on the same carrier holds no weight. AT&T is still selling millions of Android based phones next to the iPhone (that is was even when AT&T had a piss poor line up android phones.) Right now yes iPhone is selling more then android OS on verizon. But once the honey moon phase is over android based phones will slip back ahead in sells.

    And please for the love of all thats good stop going by your personal observations. Watch me do it. In my men of honor meetings on campus I see no iOS devices and half the room has Androids. In my history class there is an equal proportion of Android OS to iOS phones. its based on where and when you look however it does not represent the entire world.

    But this does my school did a survey online and we found as March 20 the Ratios look like this- Blackberry 17%, iOS 40, Android 35%, other ties in the rest. Highest selling phone: iPhone 4, iPhone 3gs, Lg Optimus 1 series of phones.

    windows xp wallpaper. Windows XP Themes, Windows
  • Windows XP Themes, Windows

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 12, 10:14 AM
    TB isn't redundant right now, it's dormant. The TB port on the MBPs right now is effectively useless until there are peripherals to connect to it. But as this thread demonstrates they are coming. First to the pro market but it will drip down during the course of the year. I think Mac OS X 10.7 and iOS5 are going to provide more urgency for TB in consumer markets as well. WWDC will be the big kick off.


    First has to be first somehow. ;)

    I hope that iOS 5.0 and Mac OS X 10.7 (esp FCP) make TB much more clear to the peripheral makers and to the mass consumer.


    windows xp wallpaper. WINDOWS XP SP3 2011 WALLPAPER

  • blahblah100
    Apr 29, 02:56 PM
    Apple pays 70% straight to the record companies, which would be $0.90. If Amazon pays the same, then they have $0.21 loss before they even start. Or Amazon gets different prices than Apple, which would need some explaining.

    How so? Why would there need to be some explaining, if this was the case?

    windows xp wallpaper. Windows XP 5. Wallpaper:
  • Windows XP 5. Wallpaper:

  • Macsterguy
    Apr 25, 12:39 PM
    Do you guys think there will there be another refresh with Lion pre-loaded this summer? Im looking to purchase my first mac but wanted to wait until Lion drops.

    You don't have to wait for Lion. It is easy to install os upgrades later... Buy next week!

    windows xp wallpaper. Window XP wallpaper with
  • Window XP wallpaper with

  • !� V �!
    Apr 25, 02:30 PM
    Yes. Usually from the time the launch day is announced to a month or two after it ships. In the past there has been a $10-20 media charge but if 10.7 ships via the app store I guess it will be free or some nominal amount like $1 to satisfy any accounting rules.

    Ditto. :apple: Usually sets a timeframe, or Mac model that would have been released shortly before the next major OS upgrade. They do this to lure in developers to the newer version of they OS and to demonstrate to the press that the Mac community in majority have adopted the new release. Anything else is just marketing and supposed accounting. :)

    windows xp wallpaper. windows xp wallpaper
  • windows xp wallpaper

  • martingc
    Apr 14, 01:14 PM
    I've just downloaded the update on my iPhone and iPad and i noticed that on the iPad (not iPhone) in the General Setings now there is now a multitouch gestures button to enable this function. It suports 4 fingers up to show the app switcher, 4 fingers to the sides to switch apps and 5 fingers to the centre to go to the home screen.

    It works great!

    windows xp wallpaper. Windows+xp+wallpaper+black
  • Windows+xp+wallpaper+black

  • Nomadski
    Apr 28, 07:06 PM
    Bought the white iPhone for the missus because she couldnt wait for iphone 5 and I cant tell the difference side by side with my black one. Even bought a bumper that was available before the white one was released, and guess what? The white iPhone slips in perfectly.

    Really is a none issue this one.

    windows xp wallpaper. Windows XP Bliss wallpaper
  • Windows XP Bliss wallpaper

  • Collin973
    Jul 10, 10:38 AM
    Good to see. I can't wait to buy it in 07. Knowing this was going to be released stopped me from getting Iwork 06...

    Rodimus Prime
    Apr 24, 07:39 PM
    And rape victims deserved it because they wore miniskirts too.

    Being drunk in a 'bad part of town' and flashing whatever is one thing. But that's no excuse, reason, or justification for you being attacked as a result.

    Being a transgender, drunk, and in a rich country club isn't going to be very bright either.

    Just being transgender is more than enough.

    Especially with bigger issues in this world and people would rather prod each other out of a perceived sense of sensibility or lack thereof. Indeed, in the ideal environment, everybody would flash cash and could do so in absolute safety. I think they're currently called "gated communities". I wonder why.

    While no one deserving to be rape or rob no matter what they are doing/ wearing and the person who did said things should be punished to the full extent of the law it does not remove a factor that some people do a very poor job and managing their risk profil.

    We can not control how others will act but we can control our risk profile and our behavior.
    Examples of managing our risk profile is saying out of bad parts of town if possible and avoid it at night. Girls avoiding wearing clothing that gets them to be a target and travel in well lite places and have a male escort.

    It is about managing the risk profile. Now if someone gets raped I am not going to blame the victim but people should try to avoid being an easy target because even though legally and morally you are complete in the write still does not remove the fact that you have to live with the results of what was done to you.

    Think about this. Lets say you get in an auto accident and T-Bone some dumb ass who ran a red light and nothing you could really do to avoid it and sad dumb ass is killed. Even though you could not do anything to avoid it you still have to live with that guilt that you killed another human being and many people that is really hard on them even though there was nothing they could of done to avoid it.

    Jan 31, 06:52 PM

    Turned sideways and with the slanted edge toward the back of my desk...

    Airport Extreme perched atop, ISP router and various cords hidden within.

    Yummie! I love cord-hiding goodness!

    Aug 16, 07:33 AM
    So instead, the new sidebar pushes into the image, reducing it in size, and requiring you to expand the width ( :eek: ) of the window if you want to keep the image the same size. I don't really see the overall difference. I suppose it comes down to whether you prefer the images to get slightly smaller, or the tray to suddenly cover over other things.

    Not just me then. Typed whilst I was mid rant too. :)

    Nov 8, 11:35 PM
    When I was little I never understood why grown ups wanted to get clothes for xmas.

    my first car!

    Jan 27, 03:29 PM
    Why? I'd love to buy some Beats headphones. Like the style of it.

    I bought the Beats Pro, for $300 dollars, and returned it the next day. No way those headphones are worth that much. I wouldn't pay more than $100 for those. Sound leakage is horrendous, and the sound quality is not $300 dollars worth to me. Got the BOSE OE Audio Headphones for $180, and couldn't be happier.

    I can think of a few more reasons why you shouldn't get the Beats:

    1. Overpriced
    2. Overrated
    3. U can find much better quality headphones, for much less.
    4. The Solo ones will probably break on u in a few months of use, because, well, the built quality sucks.

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